Tuesday 12 March 2013

Activity 4a Discussion on Schooled Learning

  What does Vygotsky suggest should be the role of schooled learning?
From my understanding Vygotsky based his paradigm of learning on collaboration, stating that work with a cognizant person is pertinent to development. 
According to Vygotsky cognitive processes are the result of social and cultural interactions.  Hence he developed the learning theory of  Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).

Teachers who are in a schooling environment is the authority to take students to a higher cognitive level. They must provide ways of having students involve in collaborative learning where students learn within their individual zones of proximal development, current interests and present state of being.  Hence Schooling can develop new interests, new ways, of doing things, and new states of being to enhance this.

 Question 2
How could we make schooled learning more effective?
As educators  we must strive to promote social interactions that are as conducive to learning as possible. Teachers must create an environment where students are encourage to develop interpersonal connectedness with staff and peers. Students feel connected to school when they experience:

• An engaging environment that is physically and emotionally safe.

• Academic engagement—support to reach their personal best with flexible, relevant instruction.

Question 3.

What are the key roles of the teacher in schooled learning?

· Teachers do tasks in meaningful contexts with students helping as much as they can.

·  Teachers repeat task, and as a result of this students will learn to be more              responsible.
-  Teacher models appropriate strategies for meeting particular purposes.

 -  Guides students in their use of the strategies.Teacher are seen as a facilitator who plans work and guide students.  

Question 4 
How can we apply this to the integration of ICT? 

 ICT has the potential to reshape learning and teaching by means of collaborating in tasks with authentic purpose. These task must be creative, innovative and appropriate.
 So teacher must always be searching for new and innovative ways of getting his/her students involved and engaged in the teaching and learning process. 
Students must be actively engaged in group project and group assignments. There must be collaborative problem solving.
Different resources must be use to create instructional environments in which the students can take more responsibilities for the own learning. Students have different learning styles and as teacher we must find ways to Thus technology can be used to better engage all students and thus catering for the individual style of learning.


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