Tuesday 12 March 2013

Activity 4b Discussion: RE: DR.Mitra Work

 Question 1:
What conclusions do you draw from reading about Dr Mitra's work?

Base on my readings Dr.Sugata Mitra has proved that kids can learn by themselves without the intervention of a teacher to show them.This show that kids can learn by them-selves and also can guide others.

Learning is a natural process that every child experiences in her own unique way, it is clear that children are born inquisitive, with an inherent desire to experiment and explore the world around them. This is so true and it was evident when the government here in SVG introduce there 'one lap top per child programme' here. On investigating I noticed that students were able to preformed various skills and also teach there peers to do like wise. 

Question 2:  What are the practical shortcomings of Dr Mitra's experiments for ICT in schools?
Children at time may not he able to learn everything by themselves. They will therefore need the assistance at times to explain things which seems more difficult.  Teachers help to plan class work and to act as facilitators, thus creating the environment which is conducive to collaborative and problem solving. The interaction of children with teachers is very important as knowledge is shared and widen.

Question 3 :What lessons can we learn regarding our own practice in teaching ICT skills?
Well I have learned that as a teacher ICT helps to reshape and enhance the abilities of students because it exposes them to learning and create meaning constantly, which are not confined to the curriculum.  
 So as teacher we need to find social interactions (games, videos, virtual field trips. etc.) that will create the right environment that  will stimulate and challenage students. 

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